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As you get older, you may start to notice signs of aging in your facial skin. These can include fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and lost volume, and seeing them appear can be quite disheartening. Although a surgical facelift can help you achieve a more youthful-looking face, you may be hesitant to undergo invasive surgery. If you’re in search of a non-invasive option to rejuvenate your facial skin, a liquid facelift may be just what you need.

What Is a Liquid Facelift?

A liquid facelift is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure used to reduce signs of aging in the facial skin. The treatment is very effective for eliminating fine lines and wrinkles, adding volume to the skin, and tightening sagging skin.

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How Does a Liquid Facelift Work?

A liquid facelift is performed with the use of dermal fillers and other injectable treatments. These injectables are strategically administered in different areas of the face to target wrinkles, sagging skin, and other signs of aging. Depending on the unique needs and preferences of the patient, there are various types of fillers and other products that can be used during a liquid facelift.

Hyaluronic Acid Fillers

The most common injectables used in liquid facelifts are hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers. These fillers, which include products like Juvéderm, Restylane, and Perlane, add natural-looking volume to the skin and create a smoother, more youthful-looking complexion.


Neuromodulators such as Botox, Dysport, and Jeuveau are also common treatments used in liquid facelifts. These injectable wrinkle reducers feature the active ingredient botulinum toxin type A, which prevents the facial muscles from contracting. As a result, the skin becomes smoother and firmer.

Collagen Boosters

A liquid facelift may also include collagen-boosting injectable treatments such as Sculptra and Radiesse. Using ingredients like poly-L-lactic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite, these fillers not only add volume to the facial skin, but they also stimulate increased collagen production. Collagen is a very important protein for the health and complexion of the skin.

Benefits of a Liquid Facelift

A liquid facelift can offer a variety of benefits for anyone interested in achieving a more youthful facial appearance. The most common benefits of the procedure include:

  • Creates smoother, fuller, more youthful-looking facial skin
  • Quick, non-invasive treatment
  • Much less costly than a surgical facelift
  • Much shorter recovery time than a surgical facelift
  • Tightens sagging skin
  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Natural-looking results
  • Increased self-confidence
Cosmetic Surgery Houston

What Should I Expect During the Procedure?

If you’d like to undergo a liquid facelift, the process will begin with a consultation with one of our expert plastic surgeons. During this consultation, your doctor will discuss the liquid facelift procedure with you and ask you about your specific cosmetic goals. They will also inquire about your health, medical history, allergies, and medications to ensure that you’re a good candidate for the treatment. If you choose to move forward, the doctor will go over your various injectable options and work with you to create a customized treatment plan.

Your liquid facelift will be performed as an outpatient procedure and should only take around 30 minutes to complete. First, an anesthetic will be applied to the areas of your face that are being treated. Next, your injector professional will use very fine needles to inject your chosen products into your facial skin. You may feel a slight stinging sensation during these injections. Once the procedure is finished, you should be able to head home almost immediately.

How Long Is the Recovery Time?

After your liquid facelift, your doctor will give you detailed instructions for the recovery process. Most patients need to take it easy for one or two days before resuming their normal routines. You should also stay out of direct sunlight and get plenty of sleep during this period.

Cosmetic Surgery Houston

Am I a Candidate for a Liquid Facelift?

Adults who would like to rejuvenate their facial skin without undergoing invasive surgery could be good candidates for a liquid facelift. You could be an ideal candidate if you meet these requirements:

  • Be in generally good health
  • Have mild to moderate signs of facial aging that you’d like to reduce
  • Have no active skin infections
  • Have no history of severe allergic reactions
  • Have reasonable expectations

Are There Any Side Effects?

Most of the known side effects of liquid facelifts are minor. The most common side effects include:

  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Soreness
  • Injection site pain

How Long Will It Take To See Results After a Liquid Facelift?

Usually, the results appear immediately after a liquid facelift. Depending on the patient and the specific fillers used, the improvements can last anywhere from six months to two years.

Why Choose Eisemann Plastic Surgery for Your Liquid Facelift?

When you select Eisemann Plastic Surgery for your liquid facelift, you’ll receive compassionate, personalized care and exceptional, natural-looking results. Both Dr. Michael Eisemann and Dr. Bradley Eisemann are talented, experienced plastic surgeons who take great pride in helping patients achieve their goals and improve their self-esteem. Contact us today if you’re ready to schedule your consultation.

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Liquid Facelift

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