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Maximize Results with Open Rhinoplasty for Comprehensive Nose Reshaping

Open rhinoplasty is a surgical technique for nose reshaping surgery. This approach provides the plastic surgeon with maximum access to the inner structures of the nose, including bone and soft tissues. This surgical approach may be the method that will produce the most attractive outcome.

What is an open rhinoplasty?

An open rhinoplasty involves placing an incision at the base of the columella, the strip of natural skin and cartilage that separate the nostrils. This allows the surgeon to gain access to the entire inner nose structure, both cartilage, and bone, both of which may require surgical alterations. While this approach involves an incision, the placement at the base of the columella allows it to heal to a point where it is virtually invisible.

Cosmetic Surgery Houston

Who is a candidate for an open rhinoplasty?

Several nose shape conditions are best resolved with an open rhinoplasty in Houston:

  • Nose shape requires significant alteration
  • The nose was broken and needs correction
  • Nasal tip requires extensive reduction
  • Nose bridge is crooked
  • Inner nose structure requires correction for breathing function
  • A primary rhinoplasty requires correction
  • The nose requires cartilage grafting to add height to the nose bridge

Considering altering your nose? Choose the right surgeon for you

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your nose and are considering a “nose job,” it is imperative that the procedure is performed with the latest techniques. At Eisemann Plastic Surgery Center in Houston, we are often called upon to “fix” a poorly performed rhinoplasty that has given the patient aesthetic or breathing problems, or both. When the inner structure of the nose is altered, it is an extremely delicate procedure. In some cases, the nose bridge is too low, or due to a lack of inner support, the nasal bridge can collapse. Other issues that have led patients to our doors for a revision include:

  • Nose still too large
  • The nose is now too small
  • Nostrils are too long, pinched, or asymmetrical
  • Pinched nose tip
  • The nasal bridge appears flat or concave
  • Nose is asymmetrical
  • Collapsed nose bridge
  • Nose bridge enhancement failed
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Cosmetic Surgery Houston

Open rhinoplasty surgery – what to expect

Open rhinoplasty is typically performed under general anesthesia and will not cause you any pain or discomfort. Prior to your surgery, an extensive discussion regarding the changes to your nose will have taken place, and a custom surgical plan is created. Once you are “under,” based on what is necessary in your case, the inner nose structure is surgically accessed, and the bone and cartilage are meticulously altered to create a balanced, harmonious facial structure.

Bone and cartilage may be removed or added based on individual needs. If the patient has breathing issues (deviated septum), this will be corrected in the same surgery. Once the alterations are completed, the incision site is sutured, and the nose is protected with a specialized dressing. 

Recovery from open rhinoplasty

Initially, the corrected nose structure will be swollen, and you can expect bruising and some discomfort, which is managed with prescription pain medication. As the days pass, the swelling reduces and bruises fade, with the new nose shape becoming visible. The majority of swelling fades in about two months but will continue to improve in the months following your surgery.

During your recovery, you must avoid all strenuous activities, sleep with your head elevated, and avoid any activity that could lead to an impact. Wear clothing with front closures, and do not wear glasses for at least four weeks. Wear sunscreen when venturing out into the sun.  

Why choose us?

At Eisemann Plastic Surgery in Houston, your rhinoplasty will be performed by one of the leading plastic surgeons in the Houston area. The father-son team of plastic surgeons at our practice has gained a reputation for excellence and are perfectionists in the performance of nose reshaping surgeries. When under their care, you can expect your journey to be supported with warm, compassionate care.

Cosmetic Surgery Houston
Open Rhinoplasty

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